
First Media Forum in Laayoune: « Digital Transformation and the Bet on Values ».

The city of Laayoune hosts the first media forum under the slogan « Digital Transformation and the Bet on Values », on November 22 and 23, 2024.

It was decided to organize this forum on the occasion of the National Media Day, in partnership between the Institute of Journalism and Information Sciences and the National Network of Young Journalists Graduates of Universities and Institutes, and with the support of various local and national entities.

An elite group of journalists and experts from Morocco and other countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey, and Mauritania, will participate in this forum to discuss the impact of digital transformation on the media and enhance its connection to the values ​​of social responsibility and sustainable development.

The program includes scientific sessions and a round table to review local and international media experiences, in addition to signing partnership agreements between media and human rights institutions to enhance future cooperation.

The event aims to enhance the role of the media in supporting local development, and also sheds light on the challenges associated with digital transformation and its importance in marketing development projects and consolidating societal values.

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