The newspaper Expresse, in collaboration with SMIAfrica, « Smart Media Initiative Africa » organized in Oujda a regional scientific symposium under the theme: « The Oriental Media facing the challenges of Modernization, Digital Transformation and Self-Governance », on the occasion of the celebration of Independence Day and National Information Day.
The aim of this event is to strengthen dialogue and the exchange of perspectives between the different actors in the media sector, including journalists, professionals and academics, around the means of supporting technological developments and exploiting them to improve the quality of local media and strengthen their role in the overall development of the region.
Mr. Yahia EL BALI, publication director of the newspaper Expresse, presented the objectives of this conference, which brought together experts and university professors and media professionals, and allowed to discuss the challenges facing the profession of journalism and the media in the region of Eastern Morocco.
The conference addressed key themes related to technological modernization, ways to achieve self-governance in the media sector, as well as the analysis of the impact of the digital revolution on the future of media and journalists.
For his part, Mr. Houssine SAF, international auditor of innovation and teacher at ISIC, presented the new SMIAfrica project, « Smart Media Initiative Africa » of which he is Co-Founder; specifying that this project won the World Summit on the Information Society Prize in 2024. This is the first time that a Moroccan project has won this prize since its launch by the United Nations in 2012. This project is based on the principle « Media as a Service » Press on demand in Morocco and Africa », via an interactive digital platform connecting journalists with all stakeholders: institutions, companies and organizations of the social and solidarity economy.
Ms. Hanane RIHAB, for her part, highlighted the numerous challenges faced by the different categories of media professionals – journalists, correspondents and photographers – and their repercussions on professional practices, the legal framework, the conditions for obtaining a press card, the legal compliance of press organs, as well as the adaptation challenges imposed by the accelerated technological developments that the sector is experiencing.
The conference was closed by the signing of the book Secrets of Success by Dr. Samir Benabida, which offers an in-depth look at the keys to personal and professional success, thus constituting a valuable resource for participants and those passionate about leadership and personal development.
The organizers sent the Royal Cabinet a message of loyalty and attachment to His Majesty King Mohammed VI.